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7 Ps, our Core Philosophy

As a vital hub, Wakkas Pharma strengthened its position and business in order to distribute and promote its pharmacy products through dedicated networks of distributors, pharmacies and healthcare institutions. Quality and generic products were pushed through supply chains and through the targeted points of sales.

Where quality is measured by the degree of compliance with predetermined specifications and standards, Wakkas Pharama selects perfect products mix that meets the demand of its customers and that fits strategically in its portfolios. The company selects the products of high demand and merchantability.

In its pricing strategy, the company is building  a strong confidence base with its customer through well structured pricing to provide satisfaction and to induce loyalty. Wakkas Pharama adopted a policy where  the price is budgeted and can fit easily into the consumer's budget and profitable for the company.

Through motivating and rewarding schemes, Wakkas Pharma hands its sales and marketing procedures to competent people, trained on many levels in order to implement customer satisfaction.

Building and maintaining a credible and recognizable position in the market is a must. The positioning strategy is very important in order to make Wakkas Pharma products the first choice of the consumer.  The company developed a comprehensive positioning strategy that is building a strong brand identity.

Promotion mix
Wakkas Pharma uses a specific combination of promotional methods for one product or a family of products. Elements of a promotion mix may include print or broadcast advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, point of sale displays, and merchandising.

For Wakkas Pharma all the previous Ps cannot be achieved without Passion. Passion exists in our purposes and performance to help achieve the goals of the future and maintain the rewards of the present.


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